Hudson's Bay Company

DCHP-1 (pre-1967)

Entry from the DCHP-1 (pre-1967)

This entry may contain outdated or offensive information, terms, and examples.

the popular and traditional name of the Company of Adventurers of England trading into Hudson's Bay, chartered by Charles II in 1670.


At the time my Brother-in-Law and I were dissattisfy'd with the Hudson's Bay Company, wee were severall times invited by the laste Monsieur Colbert to return back for france, with large promises that wee should bee very kindly entertain'd.
The Reason why the Manner of living there at present appears to be so dismal to us in Britain, is intirely owing to the Monopoly and Avarice of the Hudson's Bay Company, (not to give it a harsher Name) who, to deter others from trading there, or making Settlements, conceal all the Advantages to be made in that Country, and give out, that the Climate, and Counutry, and Passage thither, are much worse, and more dangerous, than they really are.
The Magna Carta of the Hudson's Bay Company dates not exactly from 1215, nor does it bear the signature of the despicable King James; still it dates back far enough to be respectable for years if not for its master or its author.
. . . the paddles of the great trade craft . . . carried the brigades of the North West and Hudson's Bay companies into the far northern wilderness.